
Posts Tagged ‘critical thinking’

Kind of like yelling “Echo!” when in a canyon, it’s somewhat redundant for me to say this is my first post. But I just can’t help myself. 🙂 For this first entry into what I hope becomes a medium to explore ideas, I’ve decided to outline some of the themes that will like arise in the posts to come.

The uber-theme, if there is such a word, entails “Interactions”. Thematic subsets include our interactions with the environment, various systems, technology, with ourselves and with other people. I will be exploring how our relationships with the world have evolved and what that potentially means to work and to life.  I’m a pragmatic guy and my career path and life experiences have given me a unique perspective. I may stir the pot on environmental management, Aboriginal rights and consultation, and how we reconcile our desire for economic growth and a sustainable future.

Sprinkled here and there will likely be various digressions and diatribes. My interests range widely and I will invariably use this blog for cathartic purposes. I will also try to be interesting by keeping things fresh and current and I will be taking requests on other topics within the theme of interactions ( Yes somewhat presumptious I know given that requests have to come from an audience I don’t have).  I’m an avid traveller and like to dabble in photography so expect some photos and postings from afar.

It may be a long shot that I actually impart any kind of wisdom but I suppose it’s an altruistic goal to have.  At the very least, I’ll have a record of thoughts and experiences logged for posterity in which I can see the maturation of my written communication and critical thinking skills. Call this historical record “humble pie” a piece of which I will no doubt be eating at various points in the future.

In closing, I thank you for reading and I’d love to hear from you. To me dialogue is the sharing and exploration of ideas through the development of relationships.


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